
Latest version: v2.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Fixes package installation. Requirements.txt was not included in Manifest.


Stop dynamically referecing logger.

Disable internal logging by default and reduce logging verbosity


Adds support for Flask Blueprints.


Fixes Issue 124 where only the first of multiple headers with the same name would be passed through.


**New Defaults**

1. New defaults allow all origins, all headers.

**Breaking Changes**

1. Removed always_send option.
1. Removed 'headers' option as a backwards-compatible alias for 'allowed_headers' to reduce confusion.


Would love to get some feedback to make sure there are no unexpected regressions. This should be backwards compatible for most people.

Update default options and parameters in a backwards incompatible way.

By default, all headers are now allowed, and only requests with an
Origin header have CORS headers returned. If an Origin header is not
present, no CORS headers are returned.

Removed the following options: always_send, headers.

Extension and decorator are now in separate modules sharing a core module.
Test have been moved into the respective tests.extension and tests.decorator
modules. More work to decompose these tests is needed.

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