
Latest version: v1.8.0

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- Ability to send authorization tokens via query string parameters


- Method of passing rquest object ``args`` and ``kwargs`` to scope handler



- New handler method: `override_scope_validator`
- New handler method: `destructure_scopes`
- New decorator method: `inject_user`
- Decorator methods copied to Initialize class for convenience
- New convenience method for extracting `user_id` from request
- Feature for decoupling authentication mode for microservices
- Ability to have custom generated refresh tokens
- Subclasses are tested for consistency on Initialize


- `Authentication.is_authenticated` to `Authentication._check_authentication`
- `Authentication.verify` to `Authentication._verify`
- `Authentication.get_access_token` to `Authentication.generate_access_token`
- `Authentication.get_refresh_token` to `Authentication.generate_refresh_token`
- `Authentication.retrieve_scopes` to `Authentication.extract_scopes`
- Method for getting and setting configurations made dynamic


- Verification that a custom payload extender supplies all of the enabled claims
- abort bug when using Sanic’s convenience method for exceptions


- Typo in docs for refresh token page
- Custom endpoints passing parameters to `BaseEndpoint`


- `OPTIONS` handler method for `BaseEndpoint`

- Some tests for claims that were not using UTC timestamps
- Consistency of docs with `class_views`


- `Initialize` class
- New methods for adding configuration settings
- Customizable components
- Customizable responses
- Ability to fallback to header based authentication if cookie based fails
- Initialize on a blueprint and isolate configuration

- `protected` implementation on class based views
- Usage of signing algorithms with public and private keys


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