
Latest version: v0.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

Released on July 10, 2013.

- OAuth1 Provider available. Documentation at :doc:`oauth1`. :)
- Add ``before_request`` and ``after_request`` via `22`_.
- Lazy load configuration for client via `23`_. Documentation at :ref:`lazy-configuration`.
- Python 3 compatible now.

.. _`22`:
.. _`23`:


Not secure

Released on 30 October, 2020

- Fixed username/password-based Grant Type not working on newer Sanic
- Replaced aiohttp for httpx
- Fixed a couple more broken tests
- Added missing pyproject.toml file to the git repo
- Ran flake8, Black, and isort over code, lots of formatting fixes


Not secure

Released on 29 October, 2020

- Bump required version of Sanic to 19.12.3 minimum
- This requires Python 3.6.1 or greater to run
- Changed project to a PEP-517/PEP-519 project, using Poetry and pyproject.toml

- Removed and setup.cfg due to the above.
- Removed requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt as per the above.

- Fixed some tests that have been broken for a while
- Removed Makefile, that wasn't used since Flask days
- Removed tox.ini that was not used, and still had nose tests runner
- Added flake8, mypy, and Black tests to the test runner


Not secure

Released on 29 October, 2020

- Pin aiohttp dependency to 3.6.3 to avoid further potentially breaking changes going forward
- Add in explicit call to aiohttp client session .close() method to avoid an unclose session warning.

REMINDER!: This is the final version of sanic-oauthlib that supports Python 3.5 and Sanic 18.12LTS.

- All further releases will require python v3.6.1+ and sanic 19.12.3+.


Not secure

Released on June 19, 2013.

- OAuth2 Provider available. Documentation at :doc:`oauth2`. :)
- Make client part testable.
- Change extension name of client from ``oauth-client`` to ``oauthlib.client``.


Not secure

Released on 31 August, 2019

- make the client's auto token getter an async function. Bump version

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