
Latest version: v0.0.9

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released on March 24, 2013

The first released version of 0.1.6 contained a problem with the tar.gz
uploaded to PyPI. 0.1.7 contains the same changes as 0.1.6 but ensures the
version you download from PyPI does not contain problems (if for example, you
cached the old, broken version of 0.1.6).



Released on February 27th, 2013

- Update the documentation with a fuller example (
- Update the test runner to use setuptools (
- Don't set exception data if we have no data to set (
- action='append' in the RequestParser always returns a list. (



Released on Jan 9th, 2013

- Fix error handler for exceptions that do not have a message



Released on Jan 8th, 2013

- Crypto support for paging
- Added paging helper for resources
- Stricter arg parse
- Flask view arguments are no longer implicitly parsed by RequestParser
- Fixed incorrectly formatted err message



Released on Jan 8th, 2013

- Smart 404 error in case of slight mistakes in the URL
- Scheme error message
- Attribute/key accessible namespace for reqparse
- Add Namespace with dual attribute/item access
- Added the original requested URI in the error
- Better message if user passes URL w/ no scheme
- Allow chaining of add_argument calls
- Fixed bug 21 : Endpoint name clash on different views
- Fixed string formatting for python 2.6
- Fixed dictionary comprehensions for python 2.6
- Fixed r'' for python 2.6



Released on Nov 19th, 2012

- Fixed a bug in fields.Fixed when formatting a value of 0

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