
Latest version: v1.3.3

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Updated programs for proper universal newline support.
* Fixed makefile logic bug (documentation directory removal).


* Translation table fields have surrounding whitespace stripped.
* All spaces and tabs will not be removed from table fields.
* Fixed bug in szu-ss so string matching works correctly.
* Minor documentation fixes.


* Updated szu-ed to print to stderr for any common exceptions.
* Added missing option description for szu-ss.
* Documentation and build system updates and fixes.


* Tutorial updated to HTML5.
* Documentation copyedits and formatting.
* Added to include makefile in the Python package.
* Fixed minor encoding compatibility issues with UTF-8 BOMs.
* Improved szu-ss table-loading code to be more robust.
* Overhauled szu-ss to use buffering -- much more efficient.


* Initial commit into git.

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