
Latest version: v0.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* start to maintaing this changelog
* .views.LoginView rework (breaks compatibility)
* considerably improve .crud markup (breaks compatibility)
* .helpers.route\_view\_config
* .db.Reflected.try_get: first positional argument can be 'id' by default
* .db: model \_\_setattr\_\_ check
* improve scaffold
* .crud.ListView: try common-used attributes to get title
* .crud: admin index section
* Facebook auth view
* .crud.make_form
* raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity instead of HTTPForbidden and HTTPNotFound in some views
* .crud: grid
* .crud.SubmitView: various hooks
* various minor fixes and improvements



Has known vulnerabilities

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