
Latest version: v0.6.0

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- Don't automatically start tailing the log file after "saraswati setup"
- Add systemd path-activation file in order to start the Saraswati service only
after all USB sound devices have been registered by watching ``/dev/bus/usb``.
- Optionally use Ogg container format for audio recordings, by using the option
``--container-format=ogg`` or the ``SARASWATI_CONTAINER_FORMAT`` environment



- Run recorder service task (checking for free disk space) each 10 seconds
- Improve production setup documentation
- Remove ``recording_`` prefix from recorded file name. Thanks, msweef.
- Improve spool subdirectory hierarchy to reduce the number of files per directory. Thanks, Michael.
The new scheme is ``/var/spool/saraswati/{year}/{month:02d}/{day:02d}/{channel}/{timestamp}_{channel}_{fragment:04d}.mka``.
- Use more ISO-like timestamp format, separating each datetime's fragments.
Currently, ``%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S%z`` is used.
- Improve error handling on exceptions from "on_format_location" callbacks



- Improve user creation and production setup documentation



- Improve production setup documentation



- Prepare Saraswati to run as system service. There is now a corresponding
command ``sudo saraswati setup --systemd`` which aids this.
- Emit warning when no audio pipelines are defined



- Improve logging: Emit ``Gst.MessageType.WARNING`` messages from GStreamer pipelines

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