
Latest version: v1.1.23

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix bug in rcs tool for using the primary feature, when set
- Complete refactoring of all tools and completion of labeling (formerly annotation) and rcs tools


- Adjustments for tk_builder and sarpy updates
- Updates to tools:
* Metaviewer updates
* ImageViewer tool updates
* Aperture tool updates
* Metaicon updates
* Creation of a labelling schema editor tool
- Incomplete updates to tools:
* Annotation tool updates, refining to come
* Preliminary RCS tool shell, completion and refining to come


Animated gif capability added


- Created new image panel object that contains axes, toolbar and allows for window resize
- Updates to metaicon to update graphic on window resize


Updates to aperture tool to update selection limits after window resize


Updates to tools for more streamlined look

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