
Latest version: v8.4.0

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Not secure
- properly support mutliple values when converting internal attributes to OIDC
claims. For all claims other than the ones define in OIDC core specification,
the same values as the ones that have been set in the internal representation
will be returned.
- improve log handling
- micro-services: Better handling of single-value attribute by LdapAttributeStore


Not secure
*Notice*: Support for python 3.5 has been dropped.

- Add a dict-like interface to the internal objects
- Fix escaped chars in RegEx strings
- tests: fix warnings
- build: drop support for python 3.5
- misc: typos and formatting


- add options in saml-frontend to encrypt assertion from AuthnResponse
- use saml2.extension.mdui in place of saml2.extension.ui
- improve log handling
- remove logging around state-cookie loading
- print the absolute path of the configuration when failing to read it
- error out if no backend or frontend is configured
- frontends: oidc: support extra_scopes
- frontends: SAMLVirtualCoFrontend: add attribute scope
- backends: orcid: add state parameter to authorization request
- backends: orcid: fix read address attribute
- backends: orcid: fix authorization token header
- backends: bitbucket: new oauth2 backend
- backends: facebook: add more configuration options
- micro-services: improve the ldap_attribute_store
- build: refactor the docker script
- build: improve travis stages for new releases
- docs: add sequence diagrams for SAML-to-SAML flow
- docs: improve configuration docs
- docs: improve micro-service docs
- misc: correct typos


Not secure
Trigger new version build to automatically upload to PyPI,
docker hub and GitHub.

- Fix travis CI/CD configuration


Trigger new version build to automatically upload to PyPI and docker hub.

- Fix travis CI/CD configuration


Trigger new version build to automatically upload to PyPI and docker hub.

- Fix travis CI/CD configuration
- Fix typo in release instructions

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