
Latest version: v0.19.0

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* Add support to save ground truth image data to the Annotations directory. Set sim option `save_ground_truth` to `true`.
* Add support for running on CPU with no GPU acceleration.
* Add CZML options for sensor visualization and object billboard image.



* Add vector math library.
* Add CZML output for sensor visualization.
* Fix objects not updating properly when image renderer is off.



* Add argument to set folder name in `gen_multi`.
* Add environment variable, `SATSIM_SKYFIELD_LOAD_DIR`, to specify location of Skyfield ephemeris files.
* Fix incorrect CZML output when image renderer is off.



* Add ephemeris objects that are propagated with the Lagrange interpolator.
* Add Cesium CZML output. Set sim option `save_czml` to `false` to disable.
* Add CSV text file star catalog loader. This feature is useful for small catalogs such as Hipparcos and simulating wide FOV sensors.
* Add multiplier and clipping for radial cosine.
* Add option to skip image rendering. Set sim option `mode` to `none` to bypass image rendering.
* Update interfaces for newest version of Skyfield, Poliastro, POPPY, and AstroPy.
* Fix star renderer issue removing stars in field of view for non-square arrays.



* Add augmentation of SatNet ``. This feature allows injecting synthetic targets into real data during training.
* Add FFT convolution to `add_patch` sprite render and `scatter_shift` image augmenter for speed improvement.
* Add cache last PSF FFT to `fftconv2p` for speed improvement for static PSFs.
* Add two-body state vector as a trackable target.
* Add moon and sun model and misc methods to calculate phase angle and target brightness.



* Add support to render star motion with FFT. Set sim option `star_render_mode` to `fft`.
* Add option to sample photon noise multiple times. Set sim option `num_shot_noise_samples` to integer number.
* Add support to render a satellite as a sprite. Set `model` option in obs.
* Add support to load and augment sprite model with `$pipeline` operator.
* Add cropped POPPY PSF generation.
* Fix GreatCircle propagator tracking offset.
* Fix runtime exception when site and track_mode are not defined.
* Add TensorFlow 2.6 and update TensorFlow 2.2 and 2.4 Docker build file.

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