
Latest version: v0.0.19

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Allow to run checks with different frequencies
- New command Status to display the current status of checks


- Plugin Redis: monitor length of lists
- Consumer NSCA: fix packet size
- New plugin MdStat to monitor Linux RAID arrays
- Command register: add compatibility with requests 2.2 for Ubuntu 14.04


- New plugin TCP that establishes TCP connections


- New plugin Hwmon for Linux hardware monitoring
- New command Register to interact with OVH Shinken as a Service API


- Plugin Redis: allow to pass arbitrary config parameters
- Plugin Processes: create check for zombie processes
- Consumer TCPServer: decrease some log levels
- Create Dockerfile to run sauna in a Docker container


- Allow to include additional configuration files

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