
Latest version: v1.6.6

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Doc, config, and testing updates. Removed ``joiner`` module and
tests. May import that funcationality from ``quoter`` module in

Python 2.6 currently unsupported due to issues with underlying
``stuf`` module. Support may return, depending on compatibility
upgrades for future ``stuf`` releases.


Added ``Template`` class. A deferred-rendering version of ``Text``


Configuration, testing matrix, and doc tweaks.


Fixed problem that was occuring with use of Unicode characters
when rendered inside the Komodo IDE, which set the ``sys.stdout``
encoding to ``US-ASCII`` not ``UTF-8``. In those cases, now
inserts a codec-based writer object to do the encoding.


Now testing for Python 3.3 and 3.4. One slight problem with them
when encoding to base64 or similar bytes-oriented output that did
not appear in earlier Python 3 builds. Examining.

Added gittip link as an experiment.


Fixed bug with quoting of style names/definitions.

Tweaked documentation of style definitions.

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