
Latest version: v0.6.13

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Switched to pydantic for project validation
- Removed Config and Dag objects and split that functionality into separate modules improving the ability for automated testing
- Created an App object to encapsulate most of the the running logic
- Created a TaskWrapper object to isolate the task lifetime logic from the execution
- Added new Result type for error reporting
- Switched from standard python logging to an event reporting model
- Major changes to console UI
- Added the concept of task step to improve feedback to the user
- With `-d` sayn will write all sql related to every step in the compile folder



- Allows indexes definition without column definition under ddl for autosql
- Reworks the db credentials specifications
- Adds Redshift distribution and sort table attributes
- Adds Redshift connection through IAM temporary passwords
- Added MySQL
- Updated copy task to latest changes of db drivers
- Added select_stream to improve performance in copy tasks
- Added load_data_strem to postgresql for bulk loading in copy tasks
- Changed underlying structure of logging
- Added first tests




- Re-releasing due to issue when uploading to PyPI




- Fixed errors when missing temporary schema in autosql tasks
- Fixed autocommit issues with snowflake
- Fixed crashing bug when parsing credentials


- Renames the following:
- models.yaml > project.yaml
- groups > presets
- models > dags
- to > destination (copy and autosql task types)
- from > source (copy task types)
- staging_schema > tmp_schema (copy and autosql task types)
- Alows specifying presets in project.yaml
- Presets in the dags can reference a preset in project.yaml with the preset property
- Compilation output is saved in a folder named as the dag within the compile folder
- module in python tasks is deprecated and the class should now point at the full class path (ie: class: my_module.MyTask points at a sayn python task called MyTask within python/
- Task and preset names are restricted by a regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$

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