
Latest version: v0.6.5

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**Minor Improvements**

- Add the ``DataSet.is_data_cache_exists()`` method.


- Improve code coverage test.


**Features and Improvements**

- Add concurrency lock mechanism to prevent refreshing the index if there is another thread already working on it.

**Minor Improvements**

- Add the ``DataSet.is_indexing()`` and ``RefreshableDataSet.is_indexing()`` method.


- Fix a bug that the cache is not correctly removed when rebuild the dataset.


**Features and Improvements**

- Add ``RefreshableDataSet`` a new class that extend the ``DataSet``, it allows user to refresh the index automatically when necessary.
- Add the following public api:
- ``sayt.api.T_Hit``
- ``sayt.api.T_Result``
- ``sayt.api.T_RECORD``
- ``sayt.api.T_KWARGS``
- ``sayt.api.T_DOWNLOADER``
- ``sayt.api.T_CACHE_KEY_DEF``
- ``sayt.api.T_CONTEXT``
- ``sayt.api.T_EXTRACTOR``
- ``sayt.api.T_RefreshableDataSetResult``
- ``sayt.api.RefreshableDataSet``


- since this library only supports Python3.8+, we removed the optional ``cached-property`` and ``dataclasses`` dependencies.


**Minor Improvements**

- the final whoosh index name is the ``DataSet.index_name`` as it is. we no longer automatically hash the index name


- fix a bug the cache_tag is not correctly set in ```` method.


**💥 Breaking change**

- Drop support for Python3.7 because of the ``TypedDict`` type hint.

**Features and Improvements**

- Add ``simple_response: bool = True`` option to ```` method, allow to return elasticsearch HTTP response styled result.



- Fix a bug that when ```` method forget to set the result cache along with the tag. So that this cache cannot be cleared by ``DataSet.clear_cache`` method.

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