
Latest version: v0.7.2

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Add a hook to allow sub classes to specify a firefox profile (from emperorcezar)
* Fixed compatibility with pip 6.x


* More robust implementation (retry until success or timeout)


* Page load timeout support (default is 10 seconds, override via SELENIUM_PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT)
* Support for Internet Explorer Sauce OnDemand sessions (from qpfiffer)


* Added support for Sauce Connect tunnel identifiers
* Added the SELENIUM_SAUCE_VERSION setting to tell Sauce Labs which Selenium
version to use
* More reliable output of Sauce OnDemand session IDs for integration with
the Jenkins plugin
* Better redirection of error messages to configured logging (the
SELENIUM_LOG_FILE setting is no longer needed and has been removed)


* Initial public release

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