- completed source code documentation
- completed user and developer manuals.
- configured Python Sphinx for documenting SBpipe
- bug fixes.
- separation of pdf report code from pipelines.
- configuration sessions integrated in pipeline classes.
- pipelines converted to classes.
- added option for plotting parameter estimation results in log10 parameter space (default).
- improved heat palette for double parameter scan and coloured scatterplots.
- added test files for double parameter scan
- ported all Matlab code to Python / R
- added pipeline for double parameter scan (parsing, plots, report)
- further removal of deprecated files
- generated copasi files for parameter estimation now moved to Working_Folder/xx/
- improved insulin receptor model for testing.
- Copasi report files now in Models/ .
- Copasi experimental data files now in Models/ .
- added scripts for automatically installing Python and R package dependencies.
- use of sections in configuration
- separation of configuration file parsing from program logic.
- restructuring dataset parsing for simulate and single_param_scan.
- added parameter scan plot with homogeneous lines (useful for plotting param conf. interv.).
- replaced all prints with Python logging.
- improved LaTeX reports
- tested parameter estimation using Gillespie algorithm for model simulation.
- configured Travis-CI for continous integration tests.
- pipeline renaming.
- added computation for parameter confidence intervals.
- added plot for fit history.
- added 2D parameter correlations using 66% or 95% confidence levels from calculated PLE.
- added profile likelihood estimation based on intermediate estimations.
- cleaned pipeline output.
- added documentation for configuring Copasi.
- removed part of the deprecated code.
- internalised code for each pipeline; run_sbpipe.py is the main executor for sbpipe.
- bug fixes.
- models can now be simulated in parallel using PP, SGE, or LSF.
- separation of parallel code from param_estim__copasi pipeline. It is generic now.
- sbpipe should now be platform independent (untested yet).
- removed unused dependencies.
- better separation of test cases.
- pipeline steps can be executed separately.
- pipeline restructuring (separation of the steps: generate data, analyse data, and generate report).
- model parameters can now be estimated in parallel using PP, SGE, or LSF.
- removed old deprecated code.
- restructuring source code in the lib/ folder (now sbpipe/pipelines and sbpipe/utils).
- finalised skeleton for sb_param_estim pipeline.
- added parameter correlation plots for sb_param_estim pipeline.
- ported R gplots code to ggplot in sb_param_scan__single_perturb pipeline.
- ported R gplots code to ggplot in sb_simulate pipeline.
- sbpipe is now a Python package.
- added documentation (readme, developer_guide).
- added unit tests and setup.py.
- ported Bash / sed / grep and cut code to Python in sb_param_estim pipeline.
- ported Bash / sed / grep and cut code to Python in sb_param_scan__single_perturb pipeline.
- ported Bash / sed / grep and cut code to Python in sb_simulate pipeline.
- added param_estim__copasi.sh.
- improved configuration file.
- simulation time start, end, xaxis label and time step now replace the parameter `team`.
- adjusted sb_simulate.sh, sb_param_scan__single_perturb.sh, sb_sensitivity.sh.
- packaging of sb_modules in /bin.
- added test scripts.