
Latest version: v0.6.4

Safety actively analyzes 680354 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Disables logging when python is run with -O. This can provide some speed improvements.
- Adds CompilerDef/LinkerDef to isolate behavior specific to individual compilers/linkers. Compiler/Linker can now operate in a platform-agnostic way.
- Adds BuildFlags to make compiler/linker flags platform agnostic from the user's perspective.
- Adds Graph and rbuild generator.
- Adds raw options to BuildFlags
- Adds `+` and `+=` overloads for BuildFlags
- Adds Project, which can track one or more directories and the files contained within.
- Adds FileManager, which can determine include directories required for a given file, assuming included files are also tracked by the manager.
- Adds the concept of `Profile`s, which allow for building the same targets with different options.
- Project now lazily evaluates targets, and only when `configure` is invoked.
- Adds `exclude_dirs` option to `FileManager`
- Split `FileManager`'s '`source_info` into `source`, which adds sources to the graph, and `scan` which scans for include directories. Removed `includes` since that information is now part of the `Node`.
- `FileManager` now tracks root directory and build directory instead of `Project` tracking it directly.
- Smarter `find` function in `FileManager`. Additionally, `source` uses `find` to make sure sources exist.
- Adds `external` to `FileManager` to be able to track files external to the project.
- `FileManager`'s `find` will now accept absolute paths that are outside the project.
- Improved handling of libraries in `Project`
- Overhauled `Generator` API
- `FileManager` can now create directories, but only in its build directory.
- `Generator` now accepts `ProjectTarget`s to build rather than `LinkedNode`s
- Adds basic implementation of `cli()` with `configure` and `build` and a basic usage example.
- Adds `run` implementation in `cli()` that operates on the default profile.
- Adds `rm` to `FileManager` so that it can remove paths located in the build directory.
- Adds the nuclear option to `clean` in `cli()`
- Verbosity is now set during import, so that pre-subparser logging messages are displayed correctly.
- RBuildBackend updated to work with rbuild 0.3.0.
- `cli()` now accepts profile options for subparsers.
- Adds `install` to `cli()`
- Adds `uninstall` and `help` to `cli()`
- Adds suffixes for profiles. These will be applied to files when they are installed.
- Targets now support per-profile install paths
- `install` now supports file paths in addition to `ProjectTarget`s


- Initial version, basic compiler functionality.

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