
Latest version: v2.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 665902 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Removed dependency on plone.directives.form introduced on previous release.



- Default value for container field in schema was creating problems. Updating
this value. [aleGpereira]

- Fix a little bug for container searcher vocabulary class. [aleGpereira]



- Added Spanish and updated Brazilian Portuguese translations. [hvelarde]

- Tested Plone 4.2 compatibility (fixes `1`_). [hvelarde]

- Fixed package declaration and updated documentation. [hvelarde]

- Adding option so user can select the content type used as container.

- Adding a field to set a prefer view method for container. [aleGpereira]

- Adding integrational and functional test for view validator and container
object creation. [aleGpereira]

- Update README documentation. [aleGpereira]



- Move testing to [ericof]

- Fix Dublin Core support [ericof]

- Fix permissions for pt-br [lepri]



- Fix permission for Plone 4.x [cleberjsantos]



- Added z3c.autoinclude entry point to mark this as a Plone plugin

- Support for Plone 4.1.x [erico_andrei]

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