- Format code. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Small modif tutorial. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Merge pull request 14 from AntoineCollin/bug_update. [Christophe
Bug update
- Merge from benchmark and bug_update. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Createmain_temp branch. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Fixed bug and task 4. [AntoineCollin]
- Huge debug in permutation.py. [AntoineCollin]
- Update README.md. [Christophe Becavin]
- Update README.md. [Christophe Becavin]
- Update README.md. [Christophe Becavin]
- Update README.md. [Christophe Becavin]
- Fix main. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Update tutorail, add Deprez et al. Lung dataset. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Change tutorial.sh. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Create batch_step function (in last commit) [Christophe Bécavin]
- Modify attributes of workflow, add ae dann and class_param, add
freeze.py, clean attributes list in workflow. [Christophe Bécavin]
- Fix the use of neptune_log parameter to disable Neptune.AI.
[Christophe Bécavin]
- Modify epoch parameters. [Christophe Bécavin]