
Latest version: v2.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Remove dependency on unittest2; drop explicit support to Python 2.6.



- Dexterity content types are now listed as options to folder creation

- Code cleanup



- Plone 4.3 supported

- Update translations, add italian traslation

- Update README and move to rst



- Execute IRuleExecutor for each folder created. This enables cascading content rules
to be applied to newly created folders.



- This package no longer needs to be installed in the site's control panel.

- Removed the option to set the default layout for newly created folders.
We suggest using sc.contentrules.layout for that.

- Improved test coverage

- PEP8 all over the code



- Fix a performance issue with updating role mappings in portals with a huge
amount of content already created [ericof]

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