
Latest version: v0.0.4

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


- Fix typos (PR 138)
- Update documentation (PR 137)
- Fix a typo (PR 136)
- Change depth (PR 134)
- Add docstrings to loss (PR 130)
- Add docstrings to analysis (PR 129)
- Add docstrings to transforms package (PR 128)
- Make minor updates (PR 127)
- Make minor updates in docstrings (PR 126)
- Add docstrings to segmentation package (PR 124)
- Add docstrings to detection package (PR 123)

- Update setup (PR 135)
- Fix a typo in link (PR 132)
- Update module names in configs (PR 131)
- Add a citation file (PR 125)
- Update checkpoint link (PR 122)
- Update publication (PR 121)
- Resolve name conflict (PR 120)
- Fix a typo (PR 119)
- Update versions (PRs 118, 139)

- Add a GitHub Action for deploying Sphinx documentation (PR 133)


Bug fix
- Fix a bug regarding default args for analyze_model_size (PR 114)

New feature
- Add option to load ckpt for original model before splittable model instantiation (PR 115)

- Update versions (PRs 98, 99, 116, 118)
- Update README (PR 100)
- Add a badge (PR 105)
- Add an issue template (PR 108)
- Remove apex and apex configs (PRs 110, 111)
- Update minimum requirements (PR 113)
- Add content, following the new template (PR 117)


v0.0.1 has a potential bug when using the latest version of PyTorch (torch: 1.11.0, torchvision: 0.12.0).
This version uses the update package path for segmentation model in torchvision.


The first release of `sc2bench` package with code for ["SC2: Supervised Compression for Split Computing"](



Has known vulnerabilities

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