
Latest version: v1.5.44.1

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Overhauled memory attribution logic:

- uses Python's [custom memory management APIs]( to efficiently disambiguate native vs. Python memory allocations, supplanting the prior approach that employed periodic call stack sampling.
- performs immediate lookup of the location in source code responsible for allocation/deallocation, reducing the "smearing" effect in attributions previously caused by delayed attribution.
- computes _average memory consumption_ (rather than total) for each line of code (using the novel technique of "one-shot" tracing); lines executed many times no longer appear to have consumed large amounts of memory.
- no longer reports negative memory growth from output, caused by lines freeing more than allocating, which has been a source of confusion for some users.
- this release also resolves a memory leak.

Overhauled internal signal handling:

- uses _signal actors_, an approach based on [actors]( that decouples signal handling logic from the main thread, avoiding the risk of races and deadlocks and simplifying logic

Bug fixes:
- fixed missing handling of `pynvml.NVMLError_NotSupported` exception (issue 262);
- fixed issue cleaning up after profiling multiprocessor and multithreaded programs;
- fixed issue not accounting for elapsed time when zero frames were recorded (issue 269).

New features:
- added JSON output option (`--json`);
- added programmatic profile control (`scalene_profiler.start()` and `scalene_profiler.stop()`).

- improved documentation.

Note: this release is for MacOS and Linux only.


Fixes Windows-specific bug introduced in 1.3.11 leading to empty outputs.
With this release, scalene on Windows now requires python 3.8 or newer.


Fixed inadvertent use of `signal.raise_signal`, which isn't available in Python 3.7.


This release adds a Windows wheel to pypi, making it a C/C++ development environment unnecessary for installation.


* Fixes `pip install` for Windows
* Fixes `profile` functionality


- fixed AttributeError bug running with `--cpu-only`;

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