
Latest version: v0.5.8

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* Restructure and expand generated docs.
* Refactor doc generation.
* Change docs style.



* Fix bug in ``rank_estimation``.
* Improve documentation and README.
* Run rust tests.
* Better selection of default threadpool size.



* Deprecate ``SASCAGraph`` in favor of the new ``FactorGraph`` which provides:

- Overall much less restrictions on operations, including suport for:

+ non-bijective tables
+ multiple public operands
+ NOT gate

- A ``sanity_check`` feature: verify that the graph is compatible with known value assignment (useful for debugging a graph).
- Optimized bitwise AND: ``O(nc*log(nc))`` instead of ``O(nc^2)``.

* Re-design ``scalib.config`` to handle more configuration in a single ``Config`` class. **Breaking change** to ``scalib.config`` and ``scalib.config.threading``.
* Smarter behavior for progress bars, unified configuration for progress bar. **Breaking change** to ``scalib.attack.SASCAGraph``.
* Add accessors for the internal state of the LDA.
* Introduce the ``scalib.ScalibError`` exception and remove ``scalib.metrics.SnrError`` (**Breaking change**).
* Improve error reporting in case of LDA solving error.
* Allow all computations to be interrupted with Ctrl-C.
* Fix deadlock when there is an error in large SNR computations (i.e., when ``n_vars*n_samples*n_traces > 2**33``).
* Allow LDA to behave like simple pooled gaussian templates (22).
* Refresh build system (Tox version 4, improved CI), build by default with native machine optimizations.
* Not crash anymore on non x86-64 CPUs (no CI for those yet).



* Upgrade CI to 3.11.
* Update dependancies and add python 3.10 to CI (49)



* Fix AVX2 not used when building rust dependencies.



* Fix docs not building

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