
Latest version: v0.2.0

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* Update for PyCalphad Workspace compatibility, introducing a new minimum version requirement of PyCalphad 0.11 (:issue:`34`)
* Generalize phase composition support to include phase composition of all solid
phases as well as the (previously supported) liquid phase. Note that we don't
yet support phase multiplicities, so miscibility gaps _will_ give potentially
meaningless results. (:issue:`35`)
* Improve handling for ordered phases using the partitioned model (:issue:`24`)
* Performance and accuracy improvements by using adaptive sampling by default (:issue:`22`)
* Bug fix to prrevent double counting when step size is reduced



* Improve performance by building pycalphad phase records in simulations (:issue:`21`)



* Fix a floating point bug where equilibrium solidification could get stuck in an infinite loop after a binary search (:issue:`15`)
* Fix a bug where the disordered part of partitioned phases would not be counted as solidified solid if it became stable (:issue:`16`)



* Fix to PyPI distribution



This is a minor release containing some maintenance changes and bug fixes

* Don't automatically remove the "GAS" phase from the set of solid phases (:issue:`12`)
* Call filter_phases to remove phases that cannot exist (:issue:`11`)
* Developers: switch to GitHub Actions instead of Travis-CI



* Equilibrium solidification improvements
* Make points updating adaptive
* Convergence checking
* Enable order-disorder deconvolution

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