- Fixed anchor names when element overwrites base anchor, such as BJT_PNP. - Added showplot keyword to draw() for non-interactive mode. - Added 2-collector BJT. - Documentation: added gallery of schematics.
- Added default line width argument to drawing() class. Default width is now 1.5. - Converted documentation to use all vector-based images - Added XKCD-mode example - New elements: - BATTERY - BAT_CELL - SPEAKER - BUTTON - BUTTON_NC - XTAL - MEMRISTOR, - SCHOTTKY - ZENER - LED2
- Add function to group several elements into one - Add blackbox() function to generate box elements with arbitrary inputs - Allow element definition to specify label alignment - Added linestyle to element kwargs and definition - New elements: - LED - OPAMP_NOSIGN - GAP_LABEL - ELLIPSIS
- Added logic gate elements - Added transparent and dpi options to save() function - Fixed issues with zooming and rotating elements with arcs - LaTeX typesetting uses sans-serif, regular fonts for consistency