------------------------- Removed ~~~~~~~ * Support for Python 3.7 has been dropped.
Added ~~~~~ * New method :meth:`.BIC.candidates_from_bank_code` to list all matching BICs to a given domestic bank code `Natim <https://github.com/Natim>`_.
Changed ~~~~~~~ * The Italian bank registry is now automatically generated thanks to `Krystofee <https://github.com/Krystofee>`_
Internal ~~~~~~~~ * Switch project tooling to `hatch <https://hatch.pypa.io/latest/>`_. * Use `ruff <https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/>`_ instead of [flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/) as linter. * Upgrade `mypy <https://www.mypy-lang.org/>`_ to 1.5.1 and fix all new typing errors.
------------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * For Ukrainian banks calling ``iban.bic`` did result in a ``TypeError``. Thanks `bernoreitsma <https://github.com/bernoreitsma>`_ for reporting.
Changed ~~~~~~~ * Updated generated bank registries for Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Hungary, Norway, Poland and Ukraine.
------------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Updated generated bank registries for Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Hungary, Slovenia and Ukraine.
Added ~~~~~ * New bank registry for Norway thanks to `ezet <https://github.com/ezet>`_
------------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ * The domestic checksum calculation for Belgium now returns 97 in case the modulo operation results in 0. `mhemeryck <https://github.com/mhemeryck>`_
Changed ~~~~~~~ * Updated generated bank registries for Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Hungary and Croatia.
------------------------- Added ~~~~~ * New banks for Portugal and Italy `dennisxtria <https://github.com/dennisxtria>`_ * Added support for Ukrainian banks `shpigunov <https://github.com/shpigunov>`_
Fixed ~~~~~ * Corrected bank codes for Cypriot banks `Krystofee <https://github.com/Krystofee>`_
------------------------- Added ~~~~~ * IBAN validation for Senegal `mkopec87 <https://github.com/mkopec87>`_
Changed ~~~~~~~ * Refactored most of the scripts to generate the bank registry to use Pandas `pebosi <https://github.com/pebosi>`_ * Updated bank registry for Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Netherlands and Poland.