Updated numpy version and moved Python support to 3.10 - 3.12. No other changes.
What's Changed * Adds dataseries to rruff reader and writer by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/70 * Switch pypi order during CI by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/67 * Add dataseries test by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/68 * Adds scidata dataseries to jcamp reader and writer by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/69 * Split release yamls by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/71 * Fixes the PyPi badge in README by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/72 * Moves pytest-cov to a dev dependency by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/75 * Update poetry version by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/77 * Adds RRUFF file format, bumps pytest and poetry versions by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/81 * updates to clean function and some other methods by stuchalk in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/78 * Bumps version 0.2.6 alpha to 6 by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/83 * Bump to v0.3.0-alpha.1 in pyproject toml by marshallmcdonnell in https://github.com/chalklab/SciDataLib/pull/84
* Fixes to the TestPyPi releasing via CD * Fix to the linting for the inner-project dev work
* Created initial CLI for SciDataLib * Adds numpy as a dependency * Added `scidata.io` module; holds initial conversions for the spectroscopy file formats: JCAMP and RRUFF * Updated README (i.e. added pip install command, general updates, etc.) * Fixes to testing * Added badging to the repository pages
A point release to initiate PyPI package creation https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4689180
This is the first public release version of SciData library for creation of SciData framework JSON-LD files for the semantic representation of scientific data. Please put comments in the related discussion! [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4688605](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4688605)