
Latest version: v0.8.7

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- We bring back Python 3.7 because is the version used in google.colab.
- Bugfixes in `` and `dominance.eq`.



Add `pyproject.toml` to `` this is needed for conda-forge


- **New** The `skcriteria.cmp` package utilities to compare rankings.

- **New** The new package `skcriteria.datasets` include two datasets (one a
toy and one real) to quickly start your experiments.

- **New** DecisionMatrix now can be sliced with a syntax similar of the
- `dm["c0"]` cut the $c0$ criteria.
- `dm[["c0", "c2"]` cut the criteria $c0$ and $c2$.
- `dm.loc["a0"]` cut the alternative $a0$.
- `dm.loc[["a0", "a1"]]` cut the alternatives $a0$ and $a1$.
- `dm.iloc[0:3]` cuts from the first to the third alternative.

- **New** imputation methods for replacing missing data with substituted
values. These methods are in the module `skcriteria.preprocessing.impute`.

- **New** results object now has a `to_series` method.

- **Changed Behaviour**: The ranks and kernels `equals` are now called
`values_equals`. The new `aequals` support tolerances to compare
numpy arrays internally stored in `extra_`, and the `equals` method is
equivalent to `aequals(rtol=0, atol=0)`.

- We detected a bad behavior in ELECTRE2, so we decided to launch a `FutureWarning` when the
class is instantiated. In the version after 0.8, a new implementation of ELECTRE2 will be

- Multiple `__repr__` was improved to folow the
[Python recomendation](

- `Critic` weighter was renamed to `CRITIC` (all capitals) to be consistent
with the literature. The old class is still there but is deprecated.

- All the functions and classes of `skcriteria.preprocessing.distance` was
moved to `skcriteria.preprocessing.scalers`.

- The `StdWeighter` now uses the **sample** standar-deviation.
From the numerical point of view, this does not generate any change,
since the deviations are scaled by the sum. Computationally speaking there
may be some difference from the ~5th decimal digit onwards.

- Two method of the `Objective` enum was deprecated and replaced:

- `Objective.construct_from_alias()` `->` `Objective.from_alias()` (classmethod)
- `Objective.to_string()` `->` `Objective.to_symbol()'`

The deprecated methods will be removed in version *1.0*.

- Add a dominance plot `DecisionMatrix.plot.dominance()`.

- `WeightedSumModel` raises a `ValueError` when some value $< 0$.

- Moved internal modules
- `skcriteria.core.methods.SKCTransformerABC` `->`
- `skcriteria.core.methods.SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC` `->`


preview of the 0.8 version


- **New method**: `ELECTRE2`.
- **New preprocessin strategy:** A new way to transform from minimization to
maximization criteria: `NegateMinimize()` which reverses the sign of the
values of the criteria to be minimized (useful for not breaking distance
relations in methods like *TOPSIS*). Additionally the previous we rename the
`MinimizeToMaximize()` transformer to `InvertMinimize()`.
- Now the `RankingResult`, support repeated/tied rankings and some were
implemented to deal with these cases.

- `RankingResult.has_ties_` to see if there are tied values.
- `RankingResult.ties_` to see how often values are repeated.
- `RankingResult.untided_rank_` to get a ranking with no repeated values.
repeated values.
- `KernelResult` now implements several new properties:

- `kernel_alternatives_` to know which alternatives are in the kernel.
- `kernel_size_` to know the number of alternatives in the kernel.
- `kernel_where_` was replaced by `kernel_where_` to standardize the api.

What's Changed (auto created)
* Dev 0.7 by leliel12 in
**Full Changelog**:

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