
Latest version: v0.16.10

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Ensured that Activity will not try to plot more than 1446 samples per day



- Renamed the 'read' module to 'io'
- added a .readthedocs.yml configuration file
- added a decorator method for handling checking of input files for the io module processes


- Update sleep and activity plotting to plot even if there are no endpoints generated
- Fix bug in activity plotting when the day started slightly before 0:00 hours
- Add option to set response when a bad file extension is found for a file reader
- Add version as an option for dynamic file name saving values


- Pipeline saved files now have the extension .skdh
- Pipeline.load() can now accept a JSON string as input for pipeline creation
- Pipeline.load() now allows different errors to be raised or left as warnings
- For calculating time in bouts during activity level detection, if the number of samples is less than the bout length, a time of 0 is returned
- During acceleration orientation correction for gait, if angle values are outside the possible range (ie -1 to 1), no correction is performed (this scenario is only likely when gait is not present, or the accelerometer is too skewed for correction)



- Gait analysis should now properly not calculate endpoints where there are not enough steps following the current step



- Adding a process to a pipeline now creates a copy of that process by default.
- Added turn identification to the gait process. Currently only notes if a step occurs during a turn.

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