Announcing **0.5.0 release**.
This new version incorporates new functionality for **spectrum analysis and simulation**, and **refactors some existing code**. In particular:
- Added the sub-module `` that provides four classes to **compute, analyze and plot** the four main **spectral laws**, including the sampling and illustration of the **probability density function (PDF)** and **cumulative distribution function (CDF)** of the main random matrix ensembles:
- `WignerSemicircleDistribution`.
- `MarchenkoPasturDistribution`.
- `TracyWidomDistribution`.
- `ManovaSpectrumDistribution`.
- Refactored the code of the submodule `skrmt.ensemble.plot_law` to be **based on the usage of the four previous classes**. Also, this sub-module is now **only focused on plotting and representation** of the different simulations of **scikit-rmt**.
- Added **unit tests** for all the new and refactored classes, methods and functions.
- **New tutorials** describing how to **sample, compute, analyze and graphically represent** the distribution of the spectral laws.
- **Improved** `readme` with the new **features**.