This release adds support for scikit-learn 1.2 and drops support for previous versions.
- Raise more informative error messages when a parameter does not have a valid type/value (see [sklearn23462](
- Add positive and random_state parameters to [sksurv.linear_model.IPCRidge](
- Update API docs based on scikit-learn 1.2 (where applicable).
Backwards incompatible changes
- To align with the scikit-learn API, many parameters of estimators must be provided with their names, as keyword arguments, instead of positional arguments.
- Remove deprecated `normalize` parameter from [sksurv.linear_model.IPCRidge](
- Remove deprecated `X_idx_sorted` argument from [](
- Setting `kernel="polynomial"` in [sksurv.svm.FastKernelSurvivalSVM](, [sksurv.svm.HingeLossSurvivalSVM](, and [sksurv.svm.MinlipSurvivalAnalysis]( has been replaced with `kernel="poly"`.
**Full Changelog**: