:warning: New SCILPY release 2.0.0 :warning:
This is huge step for scilpy and our community !
This is a major refactoring of the code.
All our scripts are now organized into categories, I encourage you to check the new documentation https://scilpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
As always a lot of new features, unit tests and bug fixes.
Thank you to our new contributors ! :tada:
BIG thank you to all contributors especially EmmaRenauld , karanphil , CHrlS98 , AlexVCaron :partying_face:
See you soon :wink:
What's Changed
* Volumes modules by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/747
* Streamline operations tests by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/762
* Create a assert_roi_radii_format function for FRF scripts by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/771
* Connectomics module by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/764
* Removing frf_table option by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/772
* Move load img by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/775
* Noddi clean up by mdesco in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/770
* Dti clean up by mdesco in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/773
* Module Gradient by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/779
* add mti.py in reconst by Manonedde in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/768
* Asym clean up by mdesco in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/776
* fodf cleanup, deleted obselete and more by mdesco in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/788
* DWI module by mdesco in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/781
* Modify mti by Manonedde in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/786
* Support multiple input to merge (for PR in connectoflow) by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/761
* RF - changed tracking default sphere from symmetric724 to repulsion724 by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/769
* Adding volume operations tests by gagnonanthony in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/783
* [BF] fix trk space when filter by length by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/796
* Gradient sampling refactor, part2 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/790
* FIX: bug in scil_score_bundles.py by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/798
* [ENH] Add fix trk startrack by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/797
* Fix flip startrack by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/800
* Move bvec_bval_tool from utils to gradients module by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/799
* Add test volume_math by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/778
* scil_convert_fdf.py by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/801
* ENH: Adding option to skip randomization of seed. + other fixes by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/757
* Simple framework to port scripts into legacy by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/807
* scil_merge_json move function into module by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/803
* adding vtk legacy options to scil_convert_surface script by ThoumyreStanislas in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/795
* FIX/ENH: Streamline (and mask) operations refactor by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/774
* Final check main of script 1) dwi 2) gradient by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/802
* ENH: Add Parallel Transport Tractography to `scil_compute_local_tracking` by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/750
* Cleaning reconst module by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/806
* Fix round_bvals_to_shell by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/811
* Move valid inputs from reorder_philips into module gradients by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/787
* BF - metadata version when using editable install by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/812
* Fixing scil_visualize_bundles_mosaic.py with Pillow 10.0.* by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/814
* RF - Tracking/Tractogram Scripts by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/815
* Legacy installation by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/824
* Rename labels scripts and deprecate old by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/819
* Rename dwi scripts by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/823
* [Fix] Change wrong help description by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/825
* ENH: refactor scil_compute_local_tracking by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/813
* FIX: scil_cut_streamlines now properly handles loops by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/817
* Rename connectomics and deprecate old by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/820
* FIX import new main by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/832
* Rename volume scripts by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/829
* Rename surface scripts by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/827
* Rename reconst scripts by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/822
* Add legacy test (help) by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/833
* Rename convert scripts by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/828
* Rename reorder_dwi by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/835
* Rename gradients scripts by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/834
* [FIX] Use numbers rather than letters in scil_gradients_modify_axes by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/821
* RF - Tractogram Scripts Renaming by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/837
* Moving OP out of the default output files from scil_btensor_metrics.py. by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/836
* General testing for all legacy scripts by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/838
* Rename tractometry by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/842
* Rename denoising by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/847
* fix_surface_renaming by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/849
* Add throttling to jenkins pipeline by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/851
* TST - remove legacy warnings by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/848
* RF - Scripts Renaming by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/856
* Adding tolerance argument to fodf msmt by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/839
* Rename some tractogram scripts by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/846
* Rename scripts by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/845
* DOC - tracking by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/861
* [WIP] Add_verbose_arg by ThoumyreStanislas in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/850
* [WIP] Add_version_scilpy by ThoumyreStanislas in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/868
* [ENH] Add coverage by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/869
* Rename small utils by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/852
* Improved docstring and renaming by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/857
* Rename "lobe-specific metrics" to "Bingham metrics" by CHrlS98 in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/863
* Add multiple fs folder subject possibility by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/844
* ENH: merge gradients convert by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/854
* Merge asymmetric filtering scripts by CHrlS98 in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/855
* Update help prompts to fit new name + add formerly: line for old script name. by gagnonanthony in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/860
* Fix basename compute dwi snr by Manonedde in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/873
* Update doc surface by grahamlittlephd in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/864
* [BF] tractoflow filter by roi by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/876
* [ENH] Add pull request template by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/875
* Update to dipy 1.8 by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/853
* fix gdrive endpoint for tests by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/877
* Update memsmt fodf script [requires dipy 1.8.0] by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/791
* OPT - map sh to sf before tracking [requires dipy 1.8.0] by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/782
* Fix the script for unequal bval by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/881
* rename some scripts by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/878
* Bump pillow from 10.0.1 to 10.2.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/882
* Bump pillow from 10.0.1 to 10.2.0 in /docs by dependabot in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/883
* add step to publish coverage to codecov.io by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/886
* Add Otsu threshold to scil_volume_math.py by CHrlS98 in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/887
* Fix bad commit in codecov by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/888
* Robustify the coloring by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/890
* [WIP] Kill Jenkins by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/892
* Cancel previous concurrent build by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/893
* run workflow on PR head by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/897
* pass fetcher to DVC by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/895
* FIX: scil_visualize_connectivity text rotation by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/894
* Add perpendicular diffusivity in NODDI priors by gagnonanthony in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/872
* Adding msmt support to set_frf_diffusivities by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/896
* Unit tests: gradients.bvec_bval_tools by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/885
* disable test run on forks by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/899
* Fix coverage sources by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/902
* Fix coverage report paths by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/907
* Finish cleaning the main of dwi_ scripts, to allow eventual unit tests by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/904
* Scripts to project 3D and 4D maps to streamline points and perform math operations in space of streamline points by grahamlittlephd in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/810
* Fix and uniformize verbose by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/905
* Fix weighted mean std when infinite values by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/898
* Ability to resume workflow when codecov push fails by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/909
* Fixing search keywords by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/912
* Add gradient_utils unit tests by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/903
* MT/ihMT scripts: cleanup and adding B1+ correction by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/870
* Working synb0 wrapper in scilpy by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/734
* Adding tests to scil_dwi_reorder_philips.py by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/919
* FIX: screenshot functions no longer working by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/920
* Cleaning reconst scripts part1 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/908
* Fix documentation by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/889
* Fix Documentation - readthedoc v2 by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/923
* Refactor project_streamlines_to_map by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/911
* Unit tests dwi by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/918
* Clarify b0 threshold by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/867
* Add SH basis legacy support by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/921
* Cleaning reconst scripts part2 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/924
* Adding msmt support and test to scil_frf_mean by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/930
* Cleaning scil_gradients_validate_correct handling of peaks by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/928
* Cleaning reconst scripts, part 3. by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/926
* Bind DVC data registry by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/880
* Split load_and_verify_mti function by karanphil in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/933
* Update dvc requirements by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/938
* Reconst scripts part4 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/936
* [BF] Issue 932 by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/934
* Unit tests for the fiber coherence by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/929
* [ENH] Dipy 1.9 by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/944
* Migrate code from aodf-toolkit by CHrlS98 in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/925
* Verify mask fit with reference in get_data_as_mask by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/937
* Last renaming by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/946
* New upsampling method (PTT) for tractogram by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/818
* Add description and epilog to Synthesis b0 by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/949
* Compare tractograms (TODI, TDI, ACC) by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/767
* Move utils.streamlines methods by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/950
* Close issue 698 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/953
* Tractogram scripts part1 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/948
* Fix remove invalid overlap pts by frheault in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/955
* switch to monkeypatch.chdir by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/959
* Volumes scripts by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/947
* Fix issue 962 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/963
* Tractogram scripts parts2 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/954
* [ENH] Add possibility to use a label mask with two values to cut streamlines by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/945
* Tractogram scripts parts3 by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/958
* Small fixes and util addition by VincentBeaud in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/965
* Updating the BundleSeg reference by elyz081 in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/964
* Forgotten renaming by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/969
* FIX: scorer crash if only NC and --unique by AntoineTheb in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/974
* NF - add PTT options to the local tracking script by gabknight in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/976
* Unit test dpp dps management by EmmaRenauld in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/967
* Refactor visualization module by AlexVCaron in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/766
* scilpy 2.0 by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/977
* Add action to publish to testpypi by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/978
* BF github action by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/979
* Fix install with version by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/980
* BF Remove python 3.11 from install by arnaudbore in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/981
New Contributors
* gabknight made their first contribution in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/769
* ThoumyreStanislas made their first contribution in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/795
* VincentBeaud made their first contribution in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/965
* elyz081 made their first contribution in https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/pull/964
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/scilus/scilpy/compare/1.6.0...2.0.0