
Latest version: v3.3.5

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Users: template matching protocol stores the coordinates score.
Developers: viewer efficiency improved and coordinates-tomograms matching is now more robust.


Users: hotfix - solved bug in the validation method of the classic initial volume protocol.
Developers: add odd dimensions checking to the classic initial volume.


Users: hotfix - solve problems when using the emantomo viewer with coordinates picked with crYOLO.


- Add validations to multiple protocols.
- Fix a bug in the coordinates saving when picked from the viewer.
- Update the acquisition order in the CTFTomo objects (field added to that class in scipion-em-tomo v3.7.0).


- Small fixes regarding the register of the tilt series acquisition attributes.
- Fix the template matching output register reported by Ricardo Righetto (thanks!).
- Fix the classic subtomo refine transformation matrices assignment when generating the output.
- Fix the particles order in the registered output of protocol extract particles from TS.
- Protocol 'extract particles from TS' is now semi-streamified.
- Protocol 'tilt series alignment and tomo reconstruction':
* Fix the sampling rate of the set of tilt series interpolated.
* Fix the generation of tomograms when not requested.
* The interpolated tilt series is now generated applying the transformation matrix in Scipion convention to the
non-interpolated tilt series.
* Input and output convert steps improved.
* Remove form parameter 'Step between tilts' as it can now be read from the acquisition.
* Add param to correct the XDrift.
* Some other changes in the protocol form.
- Protocol 'average subtomograms' adapted to work with EMAN 3D particles generated from 3D particles (the ones
resulting when using the protocol 'extract particles from TS')
- Test for TS alignment & tomo reconstruction updated to the new TCL.


- Prevent viewers from locking the screen focus.
- Refine new (pppt): set unmasked halves to the resulting average instead of the masked ones.
- Initial model new (pppt): in no. initial volumes requested is one, it generates an AverageSubTomogram instead of a
SetOfAverageSubTomograms, allowing the scheduling with a posterior refine.
- Fix pppt multirefine (bad assigment of the alignments detected).
- Fix protocol extraction from TS: the chainId in the fiducials generation is correct now.
- Update the template 2023_12_emantomo_sta_tutorial_workflow.json.template, so it calls the centralized
CTF import protocol instead of the obsolete corresponding non-centralized protocol.
- lstConvert: orders alphabetically the tomograms to prevent data mismatching.
- update tests calls to import CTFs to the new centralized protocol developed for that purpose.

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