
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- changed version to reflect Scipion 3 support
- tomo protocols added


- add EMAN 2.31 support, remove 2.21
- fix a few bugs in viewers


- GPLv3
- Add missing RCT protocol to conf
- First Scipion 3 / python 3 version


- added EMAN2.3 support, deprecated 2.12
- _bispec was renamed to _invar - these changes affect ctf and refine2D_bispec protocols
- refine2d_bispec won't work without input bispectra anymore, so input changed from particles to eman ctf protocol
- fix pixel size in output models for initial model protocol and for the input reference in refine easy, so that eman does not rescale it when not necessary
- fix wrong filename in autoboxer for bg refs
- add new initial model sgd protocol
- EMAN2DIR renamed to EMAN2_HOME to be consistent with other plugins


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