
Latest version: v24.6.0.0

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- Highres can now take a global alignment performed by any other method
- New protocol: 3D bionotes
- New protocol: Align volume and particles
- New protocol: Center particles
- New protocols: GL2D, GL2D streaming and GL2D static
- New protocol: 2D kmeans clustering
- New protocol: compare angles
- New protocol: consensus 3D classes
- New protocol: CTF consensus
- New protocol: deep denoising
- New protocols: Eliminate empty particles and eliminate empty classes
- New protocol: Extract unit cell
- New protocol: Generate reprojections
- New protocol: metaprotocol heterogenety output, metaprotocol heterogeneity subset and metaprotocol heterogeneity
- New protocol: Movie Max Shift
- New protocol: particle boxsize
- New protocol: pick noise
- New protocol: significant heterogeneity
- New protocol: swarm consensus intial volumes
- New protocol: directional ResDir
- New protocol: local monoTomo
- New protocol: deep consensus picking
- New protocol: screen deep learning
- New protocol: split volume hierarchical
- New protocol: trigger data

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