- New profile plotting functionality where one of the slider dimensions can be displayed as a profile in a subplot (1-D and 2-D projections only).
- Sliders have a thickness slider associated with them and can be used to show slices of arbitrary thickness.
- Can hide/show individual masks on plots.
- Can toggle log scale of axes and colorbar with buttons in figure toolbar.
- Add binned data support, replacing “event list” dtypes as well as “realign” support.
- Plotting of event data (binned data) with dynamic resampling with “infinite zoom” functionality.
- Value-based slicing support.
- Possibility to plot Scipp objects using my_data_array.plot() in addition to the classical plot() free function.
- Support for saving and loading scipp data structures to HDF5.
- More functions such as nanmean for better handling of special values such as INF and NaN.
- TBB (multi-threading) support for MacOS.
- scipp.neutron
- Improved instrument view, e.g., with buttons to align camera with an axis.
- Experiment logs (previously using Mantid’s Run) are now represented as native scipp objects, e.g., as scalar attributes holding a data array representing a time-series such as a temperature log.
- Support conversion of mantid.MaskWorkspace.
Breaking changes
- Dataset does not have a masks property any more. Use ds['item'].masks instead.
- Dataset does not support attributes any more.
- DataArray and dataset item attributes are now are now handled as “unaligned” coords. Use ds['item'].coords or array.attrs to access these.
- API for log scale on axes and colors has changed. Use plot(da, scale={'tof': 'log'}) to set a log scale on a coordinate axis, and use plot(da, norm='log') to have a log image colorscale or a log y axis on a 1d plot.
- vmin and vmax now represent absolute values instead of exponents when norm='log'.
- The ipympl matplotlib backend is now required for using inside Jupyter notebooks. This has been added as a dependency. It is also the only interactive backend that works in JupyterLab.
- Removed support for event_list dtype, use binned data instead.
- Removed support for “realigned” data. This is replaced by the more flexible and generic support for “binned” data.
Matthew Andrew, Owen Arnold, Thibault Chatel, Simon Heybrock, Matthew D. Jones, Daniel Nixon, Piotr Rozyczko, Neil Vaytet, and Jan-Lukas Wynen