* New realign functionality.
* Support for event-filtering.
* Support for subtraction and addition for (realigned) event data.
* Non-range slicing changed to preserve coords as attrs rather than dropping
* ``scipp.neutron``: Instrument view with advanced geometry support, showing correct pixel shapes.
* Instrument view working on doc pages.
* Made it simpler to add new ``dtype`` and support ``transform`` for all types.
* Comparison functions such as ``less``, ``greater_equal``, ...
* ``all`` and ``any`` can work over all dimensions as well as explicitly provided dimension argument
* It is now possible to convert between Scipp objects and Python dictionaries using ``to_dict`` and ``from_dict``.
* New functions ``collapse`` and ``slices`` can be use to split one or more dimensions of a DataArray to a dict of DataArrays.
* You can now inspect the global object list of via the ``repr`` for scipp showing Datasets, DataArrays and Variables
* Internal cleanup and documentation additions.
Noteable bug fixes
* Several fixes in the plotting (non-regular bins, colorbar limits, axes tick labels from unaligned coordinates, etc...)
Breaking changes
* Coord and attributes names for neutron data have been standardized, now using hyphens instead of underscore, except for subscripts. Affected examples: ``pulse-time`` (previously ``pulse_times``), ``source-position`` (previously ``source_position``), ``sample-position`` (previously ``sample_position``), ``detector-info`` (previously ``detector_info``).
* ``scipp.neutron.load`` must use ``advanced_geometry=True`` option for loading ``detector-info`` and pixel shapes.
* Normalization of event data cannot be done directly any more, must use ``realign``.
* Plotting variances in 2D has been removed, and the API for using ``matplotlib`` axes has been simplified slightly, since we no longer have axes for variances:
* Before: ``plot(..., mpl_axes={"ax": myax0, "cax": myax1})``
* After: ``plot(..., ax=myax0, cax=myax1)``
* Plot with keyword argument ``collapse`` has been removed in favour of two more generic free functions that return a ``dict`` of data arrays that can then directly be passed to the ``plot`` function:
* ``collapse(d, keep='x')`` slices all dimensions away to keep only ``'x'``, thus always returning 1D slices.
* ``slices(d, dim='x')`` slices along dimension ``'x'``, returning slices with ``ndim-1`` dimensions contaiing all dimensions other than ``'x'``.
Owen Arnold, David Fairbrother, Simon Heybrock, Daniel Nixon, Pawel Ptasznik, Piotr Rozyczko, and Neil Vaytet