* Fix exception when loading NXdata with NXlog signal by SimonHeybrock in https://github.com/scipp/scippnexus/pull/126
* Add check for time unit of NXlog.time before attempting datetime conv. by SimonHeybrock in https://github.com/scipp/scippnexus/pull/130
* Remove broken arg from docs version handling script by SimonHeybrock in https://github.com/scipp/scippnexus/pull/129
* Various fixes/improvements for legacy files by SimonHeybrock in https://github.com/scipp/scippnexus/pull/132
* Fix issue with dims setup for NXdetector with event data by SimonHeybrock in https://github.com/scipp/scippnexus/pull/133
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/scipp/scippnexus/compare/23.03.0...23.04.0