
Latest version: v3.11.1

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* Saving multiple cubes to netcdf

* Rework Coord nearest_neighbour to support circular cases

* Simplified resource configuration

* Helper function for regridding that returns x and y coords

* Added iris.tests.assertArrayAllClose

* Add bilinear interpolation between rectilinear grids.

* Added tolerances to Coord.is_contiguous()

* Pandas interoperability

* Nimrod level type 12 (below ground)

* Modified logic in Unit.convert to handle numpy scalars

* Experimental OPeNDAP functionality.

* Experimental GeoTiff export functionality:

* Added a PEP8 test to ensure coding standards

* Add licence header check to tests

* Cube merge string coords.

* Unambiguous season year naming

* Area weighted regridding

* Removal of strict constraint in izip().

* PP save with no time forecast.

* Load of nimrod files with multiple fields and period of interest

* Conservative regridding, preserving area sums

* Handle missing values from grib messages

* PP export rule to calculate forecast period

* Preserve masked arrays during aggregation

* Support for ieee 32bit fieldsfiles to iris.load

* NetCDF load support for transverse Mercator and climatology

* Polar stereo grib loading

* GRIB export of cubes with no vertical information
See for ongoing discussion

* GRIB2 parameter translation

* Added depth rules for bounds

* Added a test for license checking of code files

* Fixed netcdf save cubelist bug

* Add an optimisation for single valued coordinate constraints

* Improved error message within Cube.aggregated_by()

* Change unit print-out

* Modified linear() to handle non-scalar length one coords

* Propagate all coord names in construct midpoint

* Resolved pickling issues with deferred loading

* Modified to pass coords arg through to _map_common()

* Use cartopy v0.8.0

Incompatible changes
* As part of simplifying the mechanism for accessing test data
``, `iris.config.DATA_REPOSITORY`,
`iris.config.MASTER_DATA_REPOSITORY` and
`iris.config.RESOURCE_DIR` have been removed.

* The *add_custom_season_** functions from have been deprecated in favour of adding their functionality to the *add_season_** functions




Features added
* Experimental support for loading ABF/ABL files.
* Support in `iris.analysis.interpolate.linear` for longitude ranges
other than [-180, 180].
* Support for customised CF profiles on export to netCDF.
* The documentation now includes guidance on how to cite Iris.
* The ability to calculate the exponential of a Cube, via
* Experimental support for concatenating Cubes along existing dimensions
via `iris.experimental.concatenate.concatenate()`.

Bugs fixed
* Printing a Cube now supports Unicode attribute values.
* PP export now sets LBMIN correctly.
* Converting between reference times now works correctly for
units with non-Gregorian calendars.
* Slicing a CubeList now returns a CubeList instead of a normal list.

Incompatible changes
* N/A

* The boolean methods/properties on the `Unit` class have been updated
to `is_...()` methods, in line with the project's naming conventions.

========================== ======================
Deprecated property/method New method
========================== ======================
convertible() is_convertible()
dimensionless is_dimensionless()
no_unit is_no_unit()
time_reference is_time_reference()
unknown is_unknown()
========================== ======================




Features added
* :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.convert_units()` and
:meth:`iris.coords.Coord.convert_units()` have been added for straightforward
conversion of cubes and coordinates from one unit to another.
* :attr:`iris.cube.Cube.var_name`, :attr:`iris.coords.Coord.var_name` and
:attr:`iris.aux_factory.AuxCoordFactory.var_name` attributes have been added.
This attribute represents the CF variable name of the object. It is populated
when loading from CF-netCDF files and is used when writing to CF-netCDF. A
var_name keyword argument has also been added to the
:meth:`iris.cube.Cube.coord()`, :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.coords()` and
:meth:`iris.cube.Cube.aux_factory()` methods.
* :meth:`iris.coords.Coord.is_compatible()` has been added. This method is
used to determine whether two coordinates are sufficiently alike to
allow operations such as :meth:`iris.coords.Coord.intersect()` and
:func:`iris.analysis.interpolate.regrid()` to take place. A corresponding
method for cubes, :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.is_compatible()`, has also been
* Printing a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` is now more user friendly with regards
to dates and time. All *time* and *forecast_reference_time* scalar coordinates
now display human readable date/time information.
* The units of a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` are now shown when it is printed.
* The area weights calculated by :func:`iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights`
may now be normalised relative to the total grid area.
* Weights may now be passed to :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.rolling_window` aggregations,
thus allowing arbitrary digital filters to be applied to a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`.

Bugs fixed
* The GRIB hindcast interpretation of negative forecast times can be enabled
via the :data:`iris.fileformats.grib.hindcast_workaround` flag.
* The NIMROD file loader has been extended to cope with orography vertical

Incompatible changes
* The deprecated :attr:`iris.cube.Cube.unit` and :attr:`iris.coords.Coord.unit`
attributes have been removed.

* The :meth:`iris.coords.Coord.unit_converted()` method has been deprecated.
Users should make a copy of the coordinate using
:meth:`iris.coords.Coord.copy()` and then call the
:meth:`iris.coords.Coord.convert_units()` method of the new coordinate.
* With the addition of the var_name attribute the signatures of DimCoord and
AuxCoord have changed. This should have no impact if you are providing
parameters as keyword arguments, but it may cause issues if you are relying
on the position/order of the arguments.
* Iteration over a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` has been deprecated. Instead,
users should use :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.slices`.




Features added
* Support for Mac OS X.
* GRIB1 import now supports time units of "3 hours".
* Fieldsfile import now supports unpacked and "CRAY" 32-bit packed data
in 64-bit Fieldsfiles.
* PP file import now supports "CRAY" 32-bit packed data.
* Various performance improvements, particularly for netCDF import,
PP import, and constraints.
* GRIB2 export now supports level types of altitude and height
(codes 102 and 103).
* iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights now supports non-standard
dimension orders.
* PP file import now adds the "forecast_reference_time" for fields
where LBTIM is 11, 12, 13, 31, or 32.
* PP file import now supports LBTIM values of 1, 2, and 3.
* Fieldsfile import now has some support for ancillary files.
* Coordinate categorisation functions added for day-of-year and
user-defined seasons.
* GRIB2 import now has partial support for probability data defined
with product template 4.9.

Bugs fixed
* PP export no longer attempts to set/overwrite the STASH code based on
the standard_name.
* Cell comparisons now work consistently, which fixes a bug where
bounded_cell > point_cell compares the point to the bounds but,
point_cell < bounded_cell compares the points.
* Fieldsfile import now correctly recognises pre v3.1 and post v5.2
versions, which fixes a bug where the two were interchanged.
* iris.analysis.trajectory.interpolate now handles hybrid-height.

Incompatible changes
* N/A

* N/A




Features added
* Iris can now represent hybrid-pressure vertical coordinates, and load
them from GRIB files.
* Initial support for CF-style coordinate systems: lat-lon, rotated lat-lon,
and transverse Mercator (incl. OSGB).
* Iris can now load NIMROD files.
* Availability of Cynthia Brewer colour palettes.
* Add a citation to a plot.
* Readability improvements to Cube summary.
* Ensures netCDF files are properly closed.
* A more explicit set of load functions, which also allow the automatic
cube merging to be bypassed as a last resort.
* Save netCDF files with an unlimited dimension.
* The ability to project a cube with a lat-lon or rotated lat-lon coordinate
system into a range of map projections e.g. Polar Stereographic.

Incompatible changes
* The "source" and "history" metadata are now represented as Cube
attributes, where previously they used coordinates.
* With the change to cartopy, the function iris.plot.gcm() is obsolete
and has been removed.
* Three functions have been removed from iris.analysis.cartography:
lat_lon_range(), get_lat_lon_grids(), and
get_lat_lon_contiguous_grids(). They have been replaced with
generalised versions: get_xy_grids()
and get_xy_contiguous_bounded_grids().
* iris.plot.gcm, iris.plot.map_setup functions are now removed as part
of the change to using cartopy. See the "what's new" section for further
information on working with cartopy.
* The method `Cube.coord_dims()` now returns a tuple instead of a list.

* The methods `Coord.cos()` and `Coord.sin()` have been deprecated.
* The function `load_strict()` has been deprecated. Code should now use
`iris.load_cube()` and `iris.load_cubes()` instead.




Features added
* Fixed an issue with netCDF loading that failed to close file handles.

Incompatible changes
* None

* None


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