What's Changed
- dulwich: file:// URLs are now supported on windows (dtrifiro 68, https://github.com/jelmer/dulwich/pull/965)
- git: add `untracked_files` kwarg to `status()` (dtrifiro 69)
- git: fix windows install hook (daavoo 71)
- dulwich: use untracked_files="no" in is_dirty (dtrifiro 74)
- pygit: wrap exceptions from `merge_analysis` (pmrowla 75)
- gitpython: wrap exceptions in `active_branch` (pmrowla 79)
- ci: use `setuptools_scm` (skshetry 76)
- ci: force color for nox, allow only one runs per commit/PR (skshetry 77)
- ci: bump timeout to 15m (dtrifiro 70)
- tests: add `test_iter_remote_refs` (dtrifiro 66)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/iterative/scmrepo/compare/0.0.22...0.0.23