- Removed parsing queue time from Amazon ALB header, X-Amzn-Trace-Id.
The time portion of the header only has the truncated seconds which
appears as about 500ms for queue time constantly.
([Issue 631](https://github.com/scoutapp/scout_apm_python/issues/631))
- Added Celery's ``priority`` delivery info to the set of tags.
- Changed max spans reached log level from warning to debug.
([Issue 653](https://github.com/scoutapp/scout_apm_python/issues/653))
- Improved debug logging for requests. It now includes some summary
information about the request.
([Issue 654](https://github.com/scoutapp/scout_apm_python/issues/654))
- Set ``TrackedRequest.tags("error", "true")`` when Celery tasks fail.
([Issue 649](https://github.com/scoutapp/scout_apm_python/issues/649))