
Latest version: v0.11.3

Safety actively analyzes 665902 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure

- fixed output file generation, was using domain instead of base_url
- minor code cleanup


Not secure

- blank lines are no longer written to text unless as a page separator
- style tags now ignored alongside script tags when getting text


Not secure

- added shebang


Not secure

- uncommented import __version__


Not secure

- reformatting to conform with PEP 8
- added regexp support for matching crawl keywords and filter text keywords
- improved url resolution by correcting domains and schemes
- added --restrict option to restrict crawler links to only those with seed domain
- made text the default write option rather than pdf, can now use --pdf to change that
- removed page number being written to text, separator is now just a single blank line
- improved construction of output file name


Not secure

- fixed missing comma in install_requires in
- also labeled now as beta as there are still some kinks with crawling

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