
Latest version: v2024.7.30

Safety actively analyzes 665902 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix from WillIrvine to sort a very bad (carl's fault) regex overly aggressive matching -- see 41


- Revised juniper abort config to remove candidate config file *after* rollback 0 to avoid issues where junos would
prompt for confirmation when exiting config mode to go delete the candidate config file prompting timeouts.
- Dropped Python3.6 support as it is now EOL! Of course, scrapli probably still works just fine with 3.6 (if you
install the old 3.6 requirements), but we won't test/support it anymore.
- Wow, pretty empty here... guess that's a good sign things have been working :p


- Initial release!



Has known vulnerabilities

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