- Improve the "echo" checker -- and add this for sync as well, because...
- SSH2 and Paramiko are now supported transports!
- As part of the "improved echo checker" sync channel now also overrides the read_until_input method like the async
channel does -- again, for the same reasons.
- All transports minus system are now optional extras -- this means that asyncssh is no longer an install requirement
- As expected with above point -- added optional extras install options in setup.py as well as a "full" option just
like scrapli core
- MAYBE BREAKING CHANGE: shouldn't be an issue for 99.9999% of people, however, the asyncssh transport is no longer
imported and available in the transport package
- Add `error_messages` attribute to response object -- initialized as an empty list and the text of any `rpc-error/error
-message` fields are placed into this list if there are any in the response from the server
- Improve netconf 1.1 chunk matching regex to not ignore/chop off Nokia error messages that contained `` symbols