
Latest version: v0.23.0

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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The repository is renamed to ``scrapy-poet``, and split into two:

* ``web-poet`` ( contains
definitions and code useful for writing Page Objects for web
data extraction - it is not tied to Scrapy;
* ``scrapy-poet`` (this package) provides Scrapy integration for such
Page Objects.

API of the library changed in a backwards incompatible way;
see README and examples.

New features:

* ``DummyResponse`` annotation allows to skip downloading of scrapy Response.
* ``callback_for`` works for Scrapy disk queues if it is used to create
a spider method (but not in its inline form)
* Page objects may require page objects as dependencies; dependencies are
resolved recursively and built as needed.
* InjectionMiddleware supports ``async def`` and asyncio providers.



Initial release.

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