- New Features
- Support :alarm_clock: **Timer Tasks** to schedule a spider run periodically [(issue 4)](https://github.com/my8100/scrapydweb/issues/4)
- Persist jobs information in database [(issue 21)](https://github.com/my8100/scrapydweb/issues/21)
- Improvements
- Adapt to [:link: *LogParser*](https://github.com/my8100/logparser) v0.8.1, show Crawler.stats and Crawler.engine
in the Stats page if available.
- Support backing up stats json files in case the original logfiles are deleted by Scrapyd
- Support setting up EMAIL_USERNAME separately [(issue 28)](https://github.com/my8100/scrapydweb/issues/28)
- Introduce new UI for the Jobs, Logs, and Items page
- Add 'Sync from Servers page' checkbox in the Deploy Project and Run Spider page
- Rename 'Overview' to 'Servers', 'Dashboard' to 'Jobs'
- Others
- Change SCRAPYDWEB_SETTINGS_PY to 'scrapydweb_settings_v8.py'