
Latest version: v2.1.9

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- Fixed self-hosting TW cloud ws servers feature
- Added sa.translate and sa.text2speech functions


Cloud variables: Stability improvement


Important bug fix regarding cloud events and all features based on cloud events (cloud requests, cloud storages, cloud recorder)


Added `sa.Classroom` class and `sa.get_classroom(classroom_id)` and `session.connect_classroom(classroom_id)` methods



- Added ProjectBody representing the contents of a Scratch project.
- The contents of a Scratch project can be loaded from a Scratch community project using `body = project.body()` or from a sb3 file using `body = sa.read_sb3_file("filepath")`. You can also create an empty project using `body = sa.get_empty_project_pb()`
- The attributes .sprites, .monitors (the variables and lists shown in the project), .extensions and .meta save the project contents
- There's a ProjectBody.BaseProjectBodyComponent class. Variables, lists, sprites, assets, blocks and monitors are represented using Variable, List, Sprite, Asset, Block and Monitor classes that inherit from BaseProjectBodyComponent.
- It is possible to add and remove variables and convert variables to cloud variables
- It is possible to navigate through the project's blocks using `block = Sprite.block_by_id(block_id)`, `block.complete_chain()`, `block2 = block.attached_block()` etc. You can add blocks and edit blocks using `block.attach_block`, `block.delete()`, `sprite.add_block(block)` etc. (there are many more features, [see the docs for all of them](
- It is possible to add assets (sounds and costumes) to the project. The added assets are automatically uploaded to the Scratch website if the ProjectBody object was connected using a Project object which was connected using a Session object.
- Assets can be directly downloaded using sa.download_asset(asset_id_with_file_ext) or

Other stuff:

- Added functions for getting statistics: `sa.monthly_comment_activity()`, `sa.monthly_project_shares()`, `sa.monthly_active_users()`, `sa.monthly_activity_trends()`
- Added functions for checking if a username / password is available and allowed: `sa.check_username("username")`, `sa.check_password("password")`
- Added `sa.aprilfools_get_counter()` and `sa.aprilfools_increment_counter()`
- Added scratchattach.BackpackAsset class representing an object saved in the backpack, with the .download() and .delete() methods


- Tons of new features.
- New object-oriented design with base classes for better abstraction.
- Cloud storage framework, comment filterbot and cloud events / cloud requests improvements.
- Project JSON editing capabilities and new features for self-hosting TurboWarp servers.
- Session handling is more consistent across the library.


- Structured all the classes in three categories (site components, cloud, and event handlers). There are three base classes: BaseSiteComponent, BaseCloud and BaseEventHandler. All other classes inherit from one of these base classes, common methods are definied within the base class. This adds more abstraction to the library.
- Added utils > file with methods for getting an object of a class inheriting from BaseSiteComponent and for getting and parsing data from an iterative Scratch API.
- In method names "get_" always means that there's no Session connected to the returned object and that the returned object therefore can't be used for performing operations (like .love(), .follow()) that require authentication.
"connect_" always means that the Session will be connected to the returned object / saved in the object's ._session attribute. If a method is called on this object, the object returned by the method will also have the Session connected to it. This makes it possible to write code like `session.connect_user("username").projects()[0].comment_by_id("comment_id").reply("text")` without having to worry about staying logged in.
This is now used consistently throughout the whole library.
- Added new logo and scratchattach website ( featuring scratchattach projects (automatically fetched from the Scratch studio)

Sessions / Logging in:

- Added new login method *login by session string*. A session string is a string that saves both your session id and username / password. When using it to login, scratchattach will attempt both login methods.
- To login by session id, you now have to use `session = sa.login_by_id("session_id")`
- Added `session.admin_messages()` (gets alerts from the Scratch team), `session.mystuff_studios()`, `session.backpack()`, `session.become_scratcher_invite()`
- `session.message_count()` now returns the count from the API used by 2.0-style pages, while `user.message_count()` uses the API from the 3.0-style pages


- Added `session.connect_user_by_id(user_id)` for fetching a user by their user id
- Added `user.comment_by_id` for getting a profile comment (as scratchattach.Comment object) by its id
- Added `user.verify_identity()` futcion which returns a Verificator class, making it easy to verify the user's identity in an application by asking them to comment a token on a project


- Studios are now represented as scratchattach.Studio objects everywhere (for example, when using `session.mystuff_studios()`, `session.search_studios()` etc.)
- Added `studio.promote_curator()`, `studio.your_role()` and `studio.transfer_ownership()` methods
- Added `studio.comment_by_id` for getting a studio comment (as scratchattach.Comment object) by its id


- Projects are now represented as scratchattach.Project objects everywhere (for example, when using `sa.featured_projects()` etc.)
- Added `session.create_project()` and `project.create_remix()` methods (also works on unshared projects) for creating projects
- Added `project.load_description()` method that allows getting the title and description of an unshared project (Warning: Using it might be against Scratch's rules)
- Added `project.body()` function that loads the contents of the project as `scratchattach.ProjectBody` object (this class allows editing the project further using Python, then it can be saved on Scratch using `project.set_body(project_body)`)
- Made it so specific errors are raised when loving, faving etc. fails
- Added `project.visibility()` method which returns info about the project's visibility on Scratch


- Fixed session.connect_topic, scratchattach.get_topic and connect_ / get_topic_list functions (they now work without ScratchDB and scrape the data directly from the website or the RSS feed)
- Removed get_post and connect_post functions (getting a post by id is no longer possible)


- Added the scratchattach.Comment class representing a project, studio or profile comment
- The class has methods like .author(), .place(), .parent_comment() -> scratchattach.Comment, .replies(), .reply("content") (for replying directly to a comment), .delete(), .report()

Messages / Activities:

- Added the scratchattach.Activity class representing an activity shown in the "What I've been doing" feed of a user, in the "What's happening?" feed on the front page or in the activity feed of a studio, or representing a message (in Scratch's API, the JSON objects saving messages and activities share the same structure)
- session.messages(), studio.activiy(), user.activity() and session.feed() now return lists of Activity objects
- The class has the methods .actor(), .target() (returning the user, studio, project or comment the activity targets)


- Completely reworked cloud variable classes and methods
- Added a generalized base class (BaseCloud) for representing the cloud of any cloud variable server.
- Added ScratchCloud and TwCloud inherit from this class and are optimized for using Scratch / TurboWarp cloud variables. There's also CustomCloud (also inheriting from BaseCloud) which allows setting all attributes yourself in the constructor. Cloud objects are obtained using scratch3.get_cloud(project_id) / session.connect_cloud(project_id).
- If you need even more customizability (like defining your own set_var function etc) you can create your own class inheriting from BaseCloud (there's more info about this in the docstring of BaseCloud).
- Added a built-in cloud recorder. When calling the cloud.get_var(var_name) function for the first time, it will automatically start recording cloud variable updates on the websocket using the new built-in scratchattach.eventhandlers.cloud_recorder.CloudRecorder class. cloud.get_var will return the recorded value, this means you can now safely use the cloud.get_var and cloud.get_all_vars functions in a loop without having to worry about spamming an API.
- cloud.set_var() now allows setting cloud variables faster (15 var sets per second)
- Added cloud.set_vars function for setting multiple cloud vars simultaneously (with an intelligent rate-limit handler)
- Added cloud.reconnect()
- Added ScratchCloud.logs(), the cloud activities are not represented as scratchattach.CloudActivity objects. This class has the methods .load_log_data() (loads the user who set the var from the clouddata logs, if logs are available for the cloud), .actor() -> scratchattach.User and .project() -> scratchattach.Project

Cloud events:

- The event handler is now initialized using `events =`. There's one event handler class that gets data from the websocket (CloudEvents) and another one that gets the data from the cloud logs (CloudLogEvent)
- Abstracted lots of functions in the BaseEventHandler class which is also used by scratchattach's new message events
- on_set event function is now called with a CloudActivity object as argument

Cloud requests:

- The event handler is now initialized using `client = cloud.requests()`. The same CloudRequests class is used for any cloud variable websocket (Scratch, TurboWarp etc.)
- Massively lowered CPU usage by implementing threading.Event in the event loops to lock them until a request is received
- Added .send("data") for sending messages (either string, int or list of string / int) to the Scratch project without a priorly received request
- Added TCP-like packet loss prevention
- client.get_requester() and client.get_exact_timestamp() now work for requests ran in threads (all requests are now ran in threads by default)
- It's now possible to add priority values to requests to determine the order in which responses should be sent back to the Scratch project
- Requests not ran in threads no longer block the process sending back data to Scratch -> faster request handling
- Requests are now saved as callable scratchattach.eventhandlers.cloud_requests.Request objects in the CloudRequests._requests dict, cleaned up code a lot, CloudRequests is now built upon / inheriting from CloudEvents

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