
Latest version: v4.2.5

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- Gravitas can now be found in its own module, `narration.gravitas`, or imported directly from `screenpy.narration (e.g. `from screenpy.narration import AIRY`). It was a little weird for them to live in the Narrator file.

Bug Fixes

- Turns out that the `aside` function didn't take `gravitas`, even though the Adapter itself did. That's fixed, and also the Narrator and all the tests are updated to fix that as well, and the Adapter Protocol definition, too.



Bug Fixes

- Er, the convenient imports from the previous build caused some circular imports. `screenpy.actions` and `screenpy.resolutions` still need you to import them through the full path.
- Python <3.10 don't like the `|` typehint union; switch back to `Union` for those.




- Dropping support for Python 3.7. ScreenPy will probably still work in Python 3.7, but we're no longer making sure it does.

New Features

- Added a lot of new Resolutions for text and number comparisons:
- **StartsWith**
- **EndsWith**
- **Matches** for you regex-speakers
- **ContainsItemMatching** for strings-in-lists regex assertions
- **IsLessThan** and **IsLessThanOrEqualTo**
- **IsGreaterThan** and **IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo**
- **IsInRange**


- Added convenience imports, so you can import everything directly from screenpy (from screenpy import Actor, given, See...)
- `StdOutAdapter` (now also called `LoggingAdapter` for clarity) can now accept `gravitas`, `AIRY` being equivalent to `logging.DEBUG`.
- All `staticmethods` on Actor, Action, and Resolution classes (maybe more? All of them!) are now `classmethods` and appropriately typed, which should make it much easier (and possible at all) to subclass, if you need to. Big big thanks to bandophahita for that huge effort!



New Features

- Added an `ErrorKeeper` protocol, currently only for Questions that encounter an error while being answered. This is now used by `MakeNote` to mention the exception, which will help debug some confusing test states. (h/t bandophahita!)
- Added official "extras" support for `screenpy_playwright`, install with `pip install screenpy[playwright]`!


- A *significant* improvement on test coverage via unit tests! (h/t bandophahita!)



New Features

- Added new aliases for `IsCloseTo` and `HasLength` to use in their negated cases: `CloseTo` and `HaveLength`.
- Added official "extras" support for `screenpy_appium`, install with `pip install screenpy[appium]`!


- Tons of typing improvements thanks to bandophahita, especially with Resolutions! Things should be a lot nicer in your IDEs.
- Added a count to `Eventually` that mentions how many times `Eventually` looped before failing. This should be helpful in the case where the performable that should eventually complete takes longer than the timeout set for `Eventually`.



2day is 2sday, by the way. Also I pushed this up at 22:22!

Breaking Changes

- ScreenPy is now broken up in2 its core (this repository), `screenpy_selenium`, `screenpy_requests`, `screenpy_pyotp`, and `screenpy_adapter_allure`. This will cause some big, big breakages in your suites, and i'm very sorry about it. To help get you back up and running, see the changes at
- Those deprecated methods mentioned on that same deprecations page are also finally removed.


- Yet another rewrite of the documentation! This time it's much more focused, since the documentation is only for the base module.
- The rewrite includes a new Complete Example section, which shows a fictional example of a ScreenPy test file and breaks down each part of it.


- Eventually now also tells you how many times it attempted its performable, which could be useful for debugging in certain situations.


- If `See` was given a value to compare against a Resolution, the value is now properly printed to the log instead of just the string "{value}". :facepalm:

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