✨ Features
- The translation process has been updated to allow for translations from non-English languages ([72](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/72), [#73](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/73), [#74](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/74), [#75](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/75), [#75](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/75), [#76](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/76), [#77](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/77), [#78](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/78), [#79](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/79)).
📝 Documentation
- The documentation has been given a new layout with the logo in the top left ([90](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/90)).
- The documentation now has links to the code at the top of each page ([91](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/91)).
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Annotation bugs were removed like repeat or empty values.
- Perfect tenses of Portuguese verbs were fixed via finding the appropriate PID ([68](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/68)).
- Note that the most common past perfect property is not the standard one, so this will need to be fixed.
♻️ Code Refactoring
- [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) have been added to the repo to improve the development experience ([#137](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/137)).
- Code formatting was shifted from [black](https://github.com/psf/black) to [Ruff](https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff).
- A Ruff based GitHub workflow was added to check the code formatting and lint the codebase on each pull request ([109](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/109)).
- The `_update_files` directory was renamed `update_files` as these files are used in non-internal manners now ([57](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/57)).
- A common function has been created to map Wikidata ids to noun genders ([69](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/69)).
- The project now is installed locally for development and command line usage, so usages of `sys.path` have been removed from files ([122](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/122)).
- The directory structure has been dramatically streamlined and includes folders for future projects where language data could come from other sources like Wiktionary ([139](https://github.com/scribe-org/Scribe-Data/issues/139)).
- Translation files are moved to their own directory.
- The `extract_transform` directory has been removed and all files within it have been moved one level up.
- The `languages` directory has been renamed `language_data_extraction`.
- All files within `wikidata/_resources` have been moved to the `resources` directory.
- The gender and case annotations for data formatting have now been commonly defined.
- All language directory `formatted_data` files have been now moved to the `scribe_data_json_export` directory to prepare for outputs being required to be directed to a directory outside of the package.
- Path computing has been refactored throughout the codebase, and unneeded functions for data transfers have been removed.