* Implemented plugin framework. * Added test utility function. The functionality of this will change all the time, depending on my current test needs. * Changed scenario text to reference plugins instead. * Added max-updates command line argument.
* Fixed issue 3 (broken Travis builds) by making setuptools bootstrap more robust. * Cleaned up authentication file handling - generate default, more error checks. * Moved utility function CLI arg definitions into the utility functions class.
* Fixes issue 2 by adding a multipath search for configuration files.
* First version that does anything useful :) * Documentation cleaned up * CI builds in Travis. * Documentation on ReadTheDocs * Authentication from .auth.cfg file * Command-line interface established * Unit tests with pytest and requests_mock * Utility functions to set HP, MP, and XP.
* First version * Generated project boiler plate with `cookiecutter <https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter>`_ and the `cookiecutter-dcpypackage <https://github.com/DC23/cookiecutter-dcpypackage>`_ template. * Adjusted the cookiecutter output.