.. _added-19:
- ed25519 cot signature generation and verification support.
- ``scripts/gen_ed25519_key.py`` - a standalone script to generate an
ed25519 keypair
- ``ed25519_private_key_path`` and ``ed25519_public_keys`` config items
- ``scriptworker.ed25519`` module
- ``verify_link_gpg_cot_signature`` is a new function, but is
deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- ``verify_link_ed25519_cot_signature`` is a new function.
- added ``write_to_file`` and ``read_from_file`` utils
.. _changed-16:
- gpg support in chain of trust is now deprecated, and will be removed
in a future release.
- ``generate_cot``\ ’s ``path`` kwarg is now ``parent_path``.
- ``generate_cot`` now generates up to 3 files:
``chainOfTrust.json.asc``, ``chain-of-trust.json``, and
- ``download_cot`` now also downloads ``chain-of-trust.json`` as an
optional artifact, and adds ``chain-of-trust.json.sig`` as an
optional artifact if signature verification is enabled. These will
become mandatory artifacts in a future release.
- ``chainOfTrust.json.asc`` is now a mandatory artifact in cot
verification, but is deprecated. We will remove this artifact in a
future release.
- ``verify_cot_signatures`` verifies ed25519, and falls back to gpg. We
will make ed25519 signature verification mandatory in a future
release, and remove gpg verification.
- we now require ``cryptography>=2.6.1`` for ed25519 support.
.. _removed-6:
- ``is_task_required_by_any_mandatory_artifact`` is removed
.. _section-39: